Monday, May 25, 2009

Long, quiet weekend

It is hard to get back in the swing of things, practicing, slogging through Hanon, trying to master a stride exercise or two, learning new tunes. It's Memorial Day weekend, a month removed from completion of school, two weeks removed from my vacation to Canada, and completely unmotivated to play the piano. I've been combating the lethargy with listening exercise on my critical listening project, and writing reviews on of some works that I've owned for a while but not reviewed. I'm trying to keep active, since I can only get myself to sit down and play for about an hour a day, but not practice or learn anything new. It's a poor substitute, poorer even than writing about it in my blog. (!)

If you go on Amazon and look at my reviews, PLEASE click on a "yes" or two for whatever you happen to read and enjoy. I would really appreciate the support as it improves my reviewer ranking when you do that. Thanks, readers.

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