I’ve got to see a man about my piano on Friday, as he’s bringing the tuning pins, the spoon bit and the soundboard shim chisel for my piano, so I thought I would take advantage of an evening home alone to get the piano parts organized and everything cleaned off of it so it can actually be worked on. But I had another brief, but disgusting, set back: cat pee.
One of the perils of owning three cats is, they sometimes express their independence in “unique” ways. And none of our cats are particularly prone to these nasty behaviors, but every so often, something unexpected like this happened. I won’t belabor the point. The mess was contained on the floor protecting tarp, and although the clean up job was relatively easy and straightforward, the smell lingered. This is merely a point of reference: all projects like these are prone to be affected by outside events, and they do cause delays, however momentary and tolerable. (But, oh, the smell!) (That’s also one of the prime reasons I don’t keep tools and parts on the floor anymore.
I vacuumed all the surfaces of the piano carefully. I sanded and steel-wooled the visible portions of the soundboard as well, and I think it is about as close to finished as it is going to get. I started to look at the cracks and shims and seeing what will need to be done there, but that is going to be the main subject of discussion with the piano expert on Friday: shim installation. So, all I did was sand and clean, sand and clean, in preparation for today’s meeting and for this weekend’s installation of shims and veneer. The other main tasks will be to put felt on the legs and re-install them, and take the Dremel
Forward, we go.
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