Sunday, August 22, 2010

What a song can do to you

In the last two weeks, I’ve probably heard Rahsaan Roland Kirk’s version of “This Masquerade” maybe four times. It’s positively one of the greatest versions of one of the greatest songs ever recorded. And how delighted I was when I found it in one of my real books. And how much more delighted I was when I found I could practice bass-chord technique that my instructor and I discussed and worked on in an effort to revive my playing. But what really revived my playing, more than trying to get back the chops from months ago when I was playing every day, is trying to get that one song to sound right. It just makes me want to play it again and again. Even Mrs. S came into my room one morning when I was practicing before going for my morning walk, long about 5:20 AM. “You’re playing the piano?!” she exclaimed/asked. “Every morning.” And I have stuck with it. I’m actually back on track with my playing.

So this weekend, when I launch back into working on my piano, I’ve got to just keep up with my playing, and in a month or two, the whole package should come together.

Oh, and if you didn’t already draw this conclusion, I bought the CD recording of Kirk’s “TM”. (You can get it on a fantastic double LP on one CD: Kirkatron/Boogie-Woogie String Along For Real.) I'll be listening to it all weekend.

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